
secretIn the beginning…

No really in the beginning, my blog was (and still is) without form and void. Darkness was(is) upon the blogosphere and not a reader (not even my mother) was in sight. This is still the case as it has taken me roughly 4 months to start this introductory blog ( if that even is what this is?) So where do we begin? What should I tell you? what is even remotely interesting about my life? Where do I begin? These are the questions I ask myself as I watch these single characters jog across my screen this morning. Oh look! A paragraph is complete. Well done self.

So If your still with me, I wont bore you with a introduction to myself but rather a valuable tip and insight that could help one person like myself. I went from an out of shape, horrible eating, soon to be 1st time dad, no word writing, limited word reading, inception dreaming ( not sure what that means) 28 year old male. What got me here? a seemingly insignificant arrival you may think, but nonetheless, I am here. What was that tip I spoke of?  That tip is to START. Yea, that’s what I said. Not the first time you’ve heard that word. Just start. No, like right now. Go! Goooo!

If that didn’t work and your still with me, it seems that you have a little free time so why not spend it gaining some valuable knowledge. Want to find out what pushed me to START? Step 1: Your first task is to tell someone exactly what it is you want or plan to do. This person can be a spouse, friend, co-worker, FACEBOOK, supervisor etc. Step 2: Ask this person or persons to be your accountability partner. Step 3: be open and receptive to feedback and accountability questions from your partner. My supervisor became an accountability partner without me even asking. Mark Tilsher pushed me to ultimately START. He is the founder of a successful business and podcast called Junior Money Makers, a podcast about helping kids ages 8-18 learn how to make money by following their passions and using skills that they already have! If you don’t already have access to a podcast platform I would highly encourage you to download one from the ITunes store or android store? or wherever it is you get your social downloadable content. Look up DARREN ROWSE and JUNIOR MONEY MAKERS. It doesn’t matter what goal you have in mind. Just START, that’s the not so secret, secret. You wont regret it.

Until next time or if you are in need of an accountability partner you can reach me by email at

Thanks for reading.


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